This is a five-book fantasy series chronicling how two ancient volumes intended for the wellbeing of the Jews wreaked havoc in the hands of ordinary well-developed characters while several greedy parties worked tirelessly to secure these codices for selfish objectives. These manuscripts were prepared by a coalition of heavenly angels and Lucifer to free the Jews enslaved during the reign of the Roman emperor, Constantine I, but the coalition became enemies before their main objective was achieved and a fight for supremacy and the two mysterious books ensued.

I got my inspiration for writing this series by watching Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I also made good use of the History Channel. I'm blogging about the outcome of this endeavor today.

THE BLACK BOOK tells the story of an American boy who finds an old hardcover up in their attic, not knowing it's an ancient magical weapon until so many things go wrong around him.
Here is the book's trailer:

THE WHITE BOOK tells the story of one of these magical books handed over to a distressed little girl by her dying father. The little girl is saved from severe cold and certain death in present-day America by a female police officer, who has no idea that the book this little girl holds on to is an ancient weapon...until so many things go wrong.

Primary readers of my books are teens and preteens, but then their mums and senior siblings can jump in as well, alongside anyone who is forever young at heart. How long it took me to write? Well, two years or less...I wasn’t really timing myself. What, with having so much fun while researching and actually writing the story, time just stood still for me, I don't think I came across an easy part while writing this book, but the most important thing is that it all came out so well in the end. Of course, I did a thorough research for the story. Like I earlier said, I am an avid fan of the History Channel, but that wasn’t all. A sincere investigation into the Jewish occult or Kabbalah, as well as a good long peek into the life of Emperor Constantine I and all the intrigues that eventually made him the Roman Empire's first Christian ruler helped the journey. To be blunt, I poured over many ancient scripts and titles many a long night just to make sure my story became a very good one. Yes, I learned a lot while writing this story, but the most important lesson was that perseverance pays off sooner than later. I am already putting into the third book in the series (THE SLAVE MAKERS) all the experience I have gathered from writing the first two books.

You can buy the books in the series from www.georgeshadow.com/books or amazon.com Thanks.

Thank you as you read my books.